Among other projects I'm actually working on writing a few books with the utopian purpose of better informing the world of what knives really are and how valuable they have been in human history.
I believe that knives are part of our evolution and what we are today, and all this demonizing knives, instead of punishing single people and their illegal use of them, in the recent years is senseless.
I have spent good part of my life collecting knives, studying and researching every aspect connected to them, from history to practical use, from basic flintknapping to knife smithing, blades geometry, heat treating, etc.
I'm starting with a series of short books that will cover the evolution on mankind from the stone age till the early iron age, seen from my personal perspective and theory on how every leap in early human evolution have been preceded by a step forward in knives and blades technology.
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The first book is available on Amazon either in digital and paperback:
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Find here below the available books:

Knife: The tool that forged Mankind
Volume 1 - The Stone Age
This book is going to be the first to introduce you to the human history seen under a new perspective.
The knife is the only tool that never left man's side, from the caves to modern skyscrapers blades shaped the man itself and made possible everything mankind is today.
A journey through the Ages of history following the evolution of blades and discovering how we forged the knives and how knives forged our world.
In this first volume we'll cover the Stone Age, from the first bone points to the latest evolution of composite stone tools on the transition period to the Bronze Age.
We will discover the basic techniques of flintknapping and the use of natural materials like wood, resin, and animal skin to assemble the most technological tools that could be made starting from simple hard stones.
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Click here below to download the PDF with introduction and first chapter of the book.