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Our Company.


The Lethimos Brand is born in the 1997 on a sandy beach during a warm summer night out with friends.
Since then it have been used as a personal brand by the company's founder to promote his old passion for outdoors, survival, martial arts and obviously blades.
His life beside "real steel" blades started way earlier than then, when he was only seven years old and for his birthday he asked a steel knife cause he was tired of playing with wooden and plastic ones.
Since then he never stopped learning the use of knives and the way they are made.
What makes us different from our competitors is what leads the development of a knife.
Is pretty easy to find or become a machinist able to realize a knife blank and in todays world anybody in a matter of weeks can become a CAD designer and call himself a knife designer.
You are in real trouble when comes the time to find people that know how to work with a knife.
We Know that the only thing that can make somebody able to develop a knife project is deep knowledge of how a blade performs in real life.
Knowing how a knife is built, choosing the best geometry for the tasks it will face, deciding what steel to start from and what heat treatment process to use to achieve the best performance is all another level of knowledge.
Our knives are designed and built to work in the real world by someone that have spent most his life in the middle of the forest with a knives and other blades constantly on his hips, working with them on a daily basis, somebody that have already been building knives for Law enforcement and military operators deploying either locally and overseas in battle zones.
While we know that your life is on the line, we go beyond our own direct knowledge.
We are in constant connection with the best knives and materials expert we are able to reach to be sure to have the latest informations and always consult with them for suggestions on our latest projects to be sure you always have the best possible tools we are able to build.

Lethimos Knives Department

Bradenton FL

Phone: 941 565 7382


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