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Public and private entities supplies

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rescue team
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rescue tool

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If you are a public or private entity, law enforcement, 1st responders, PMC, or even boy scouts group, that need supplies for your personnel don't hesitate to contact us.
We will be more than honored to serve you, discuss your needs, work out to get you what you need at the best possible price.
In some cases we can arrange a "profit free" price for some entities that really need equipment for public service but have very small budget.
If we think it worths it, we might also accept to give away free supply orders to specific public service entities.
This is our way to thank those who serve getting their lives on the line every day.
If either you are looking for a product tailored on your specific requests and necessities, developed following your directions and build in small series, or a mass production Item with basic lower cost and faster delivery, contact us, we are able to adapt our working process to satisfy your needs.
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